GreenLab Innovation Center Prospect

New Innovation Center Prospect

Read our new GreenLab Innovation Center Prospect (In Danish) and learn more about the sustainability strategy, the activities and the timeline.

About this prospect

The GreenLab Innovation Center will provide the physical framework for the research activities at GreenLab. It is an ambitious project that will unite industires, research, education, innovation, public entities, and citizens in one building and boost the innovation power of GreenLab. 

Read the prospect here (In Danish): 

GreenLab Innovation Center ProspeKt

Read the prospect here (In English): 

GreenLab Innovation Center Prospect


The building:

The GreenLab Innovation Center will be an impressive and sustainable architecural manifestitation of GreenLab's ambitions as a green solutions facilitator and mission-driven resarch faciloty. 

The the industrial park's tenants, the Innovation Center will be both a gathering point and an attratctive venue for demonstrations, showrooms, knowledge sharing activities, conferences, offices, and events. It will be the focal point of research and innovation nationally and internationally and house education facilities needed to meet the demands of the green transition.